Welcome and hello
I always welcome new clients. Most of my business comes from word of mouth and referrals which I greatly appreciate. That said, I get a lot of people from my Google Business page where there are many postive reveiws about my services. I also receive great feedback about all of the information on both of my websites. Feel free to explore them.Website | Facebook | Google Business Page
Please explore my websites, Business Facebook page and Google Business Page for information about the services offered and reviews. Bodymindheartandsoulharmony.com.au has information about massage services, Reiki, Medical Qigong and Cupping. Postivepscyhologycoaching.com.au has information about Positive Psychology Coaching, Counseling, Therapy, Tension Release Exercise (TRE) training, Meditation, Mindfulness and Qigong. Both sites have links between them so you can flick between them both. Body Mind Heart and Soul Harmony Facebook Page My Facebook page Google Business Page My Google Business PageBooking Consultations
Consultations are normally offered at my Croydon North Clinic or via Zoom or telephone. Bookings can be made online or by calling Caroline. If you are considering coming along for an appointment, please note that if you are a female then there are a wide range of day and evening appointments available. If you are a new male client, then you will find evening and weekend appointments that suit you. All of my services are strictly therapeutic. You can book online or call or SMS me to discuss your preferred treatment and time. It is essential to pre-book appointments. I look forward to meeting you. Caroline